Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas Times

Evening Bloggers!

Melvyn here, Melvyn P. O'Shea. Apologies for the lack of recent publications. As you may be aware, Christmas is fast approaching. I have prepared a short poem for you all entitled "Christmas Times: Now and Then".

"Christmas comes but once a year,
Full of laughter, fun and plenty of cheer.
There will be presents, family and food galore,
Singing carols really won't be a chore.
Father Christmas' sack is bulging with joy,
Ready to be distributed over every girl and boy.
But remember my friend, the true meaning is thus,
The Lord Jesus Christ was born at Christmas.

The Virgin Mary travelled so far,
The Three Wise Men they followed the star.
No room at the Inn, the Inn Keeper said,
Only a stable to rest your head.
During the night Jesus was born,
King Herod heard and instantly scorned.
The Angel Gabriel came from above
And gave the message of purity and love.
So when you're gobbling on your turkey,
Think of the manger,
Don't let Jesus Christ become a stranger"

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea