Sunday 15 April 2012

100 years

Evening bloggers

I would firstly like to take this opportunity to apologise to the Melvyn's Realm community for my absence. I'm afraid I have been very busy of late. I hope that everyone has had a very splendid Easter. I had a glorious time, stuffing my face with many an Easter egg and of course, remembering the time where our Lord Jesus Christ God in Heaven was crucified and arose from the dead.

However, today marks another very important anniversary. On the 15th April 1912, the RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. The RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic was a magnificently designed ship, which was built of the finest materials and technology of the time. It was very unfortunate that the RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic had a lack of lifeboats on board resulting in a large number of people lost at sea or even worse.

In homage to this tragic event, my mother, Aunt Helen and myself watched Titanic the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Although, the plot is predictable, it is a very moving account and I award this wonderful film 4 Melvyn stars out of 5. My mother has also kindly purchased me a Titanic 100 year anniversary memorial collectible coin from the Royal Mint. I have provided a handy hyperlink to the website below.

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P.O'Shea

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