Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas Times

Evening Bloggers!

Melvyn here, Melvyn P. O'Shea. Apologies for the lack of recent publications. As you may be aware, Christmas is fast approaching. I have prepared a short poem for you all entitled "Christmas Times: Now and Then".

"Christmas comes but once a year,
Full of laughter, fun and plenty of cheer.
There will be presents, family and food galore,
Singing carols really won't be a chore.
Father Christmas' sack is bulging with joy,
Ready to be distributed over every girl and boy.
But remember my friend, the true meaning is thus,
The Lord Jesus Christ was born at Christmas.

The Virgin Mary travelled so far,
The Three Wise Men they followed the star.
No room at the Inn, the Inn Keeper said,
Only a stable to rest your head.
During the night Jesus was born,
King Herod heard and instantly scorned.
The Angel Gabriel came from above
And gave the message of purity and love.
So when you're gobbling on your turkey,
Think of the manger,
Don't let Jesus Christ become a stranger"

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Tweeting and Twittering

Afternoon Bloggers!
Melvyn here, Melvyn P.O'Shea.

Apologies for the long delay in my posts, I have been very busy recently, but that is a different blog!

So, as some of you may know, a new form of social networking has come to light, namely, Twitter. Twitter is considered a "microblogging" service primarily because the user has to consolidate their desired post (known as a 'Tweet') into 140 characters or less, which I must say, I am finding quite challenging at present. However as some of my good friends know, I love a challenge.
Additionally, Twitter allows the user to interact with some famous figures as they go about their day-to-day lives, this can be accomplished by following them.
 For example, I am a large fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and through Twitter, I can speak to him directly, in spite of this I am yet to get a reply but, as the old O'Shea family saying goes;

"perseverance is the key,
 keep on trying an you'll see; 
your first attempt may be a mess,
keep on trying and you'll be a success" 

All at Melvyn's Realm I highly suggest you set up a twitter account and you can be tweeting all day, like myself and Emmanuelle. You can access the website by "copying and pasting" the link below into the address bar of your chosen browser or alternatively by clicking on the hyperlink below.

Kindest Regards, 
Melvyn P.O'Shea

Saturday 16 June 2012

Proud to be British

Evening bloggers,

After a speedy recovery from his recent bladder infection, Prince Philip aka (also known as) the Duke of Edinburgh aka (also known as) Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (born 10 June 1921) made it to Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II aka (also known as) Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (born 21 April 1926) "Trouping of the colour". Once again, the BBC aka (also known as) The British Broadcasting Corporation presented us, the viewers, with some glorious footage and concise commentary. It really was a sterling production.

I really am feeling proud to be British after the Royal Jubilee and Trouping of the Colour. I wrote a glorious poem to mark Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II aka (also known as) Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (born 21 April 1926) Royal Jubilee entitled "Jubilee, Jubilee, Jubilee".

"London, is the place to be,
on this Royal Jubilee.
Bunting, positioned everywhere;
so gather round, pull up a chair.
We'll eat cucumber sandwiches all day long,
before having a wonderful celebratory sing song.
The streets are full of parties, galore;
so gather round everybody and party some more"

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

Saturday 12 May 2012

Happy Birthday to the humble sandwich!

Afternoon Bloggers,

Let me pose this important question to the "Melvyn's Realm" community, which is your favourite sandwich filling? Do you enjoy nibbling on a "Ploughman's" or tucking into a traditional "Ham and Pickle"?

Yes bloggers, today marks the 250th anniversary of the humble sandwich. In 1762, John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, ordered beef served between slices of bread in none other than the Kent town of Sandwich. Sam Bompas reports that "He was a daring man to eat in such a way coming from his social background”, but bloggers, I believe that were are very fortunate to have such a wonderful convenient meal.

So bloggers, wish Happy Birthday to the sandwich in style!

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

Monday 30 April 2012

April Showers

Evening Bloggers,

Today is the final day of the month of April and it has been reported by the Met Office aka (also known as) The Meterological Office as the wettest month for 100 years. Some 121.8mm of rain has fallen, beating the previous record of 120.3mm which was set in 2000. However, despite the heavy rain, swathes of England are still in drought, with warnings that the downpours were not enough to counteract the effects of two unusually dry winters. However, it is very moist out there!

I am very interested in meterology.  My favourite BBC aka (also known as) British Broadcasting Corporation weather presenter is Derek Brockway (born October 1967) for very informative weather overviews and friendly demeanor. However, my favourite ITV weather presenter is the glorious Sian Lloyd (born July 1958), she's like a ray of sunshine on rainy day and brings front into my life, if you know what I mean. Contrasingly, Alex Deakin aka a(lso known as Alexander Roy Deakin) of BBC aka (also known as) British Broadcasting Corporation is not the best. I find that his presenting style is rather immature and juvenile. He seems to lack understanding of some important meterological terms. For example, he called a "Gale Force" wind a "Hail Force" wind. Crossed wires there, if I am to give my opinion.

Bloggers, get your ponchos prepared, umbrellas unwrapped and your coats unfurled.

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

Sunday 15 April 2012

100 years

Evening bloggers

I would firstly like to take this opportunity to apologise to the Melvyn's Realm community for my absence. I'm afraid I have been very busy of late. I hope that everyone has had a very splendid Easter. I had a glorious time, stuffing my face with many an Easter egg and of course, remembering the time where our Lord Jesus Christ God in Heaven was crucified and arose from the dead.

However, today marks another very important anniversary. On the 15th April 1912, the RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. The RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic was a magnificently designed ship, which was built of the finest materials and technology of the time. It was very unfortunate that the RMS aka (also known as) Royal Mail Ship Titanic had a lack of lifeboats on board resulting in a large number of people lost at sea or even worse.

In homage to this tragic event, my mother, Aunt Helen and myself watched Titanic the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Although, the plot is predictable, it is a very moving account and I award this wonderful film 4 Melvyn stars out of 5. My mother has also kindly purchased me a Titanic 100 year anniversary memorial collectible coin from the Royal Mint. I have provided a handy hyperlink to the website below.

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P.O'Shea

Thursday 1 March 2012

Word of the Day

Salutations bloggers

I thought I would do a very quick update for you all at the Melvyn's Realm community. I would bring you today's word of the day:


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words!

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea