Friday 6 January 2012

End of the Season - Here's to 2012

Evening bloggers!

Today marks the twelfth day to the 'post-Christmas' season and therefore marks the end of the Chrsitmas festivities. Hence, the decorations have been brought down. As the old O'Shea family saying goes "12 days after, avoids disaster". My mother, Aunt Helen, Emmanuelle and myself 'dechristmasfied' the abode.

Emmanuelle's duty was to remove all tinsel from the tree and place it neatly into the storage box, whilst my mother, took down the colourful Christmas lights and baubles and placed them into Father Christmas' furry fluffy festive sack, Aunt Helen kindly disposed of the tree. However she didn't just throw it away, oh no, she took it to the local recycling facility, as for myself, my role in this operation was to neatly stow away the christmas cards and the nativity ready for the next advent season.

I am very disheartened to the end of the yuletide. However easter is just around the corner, meaning more glorious celebrations and the visiting of the easter bunny.

Kindest Regards
Melvyn P. O'Shea

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