Sunday 1 January 2012

Welcome to the Realm

Good Afternoon bloggers,

I would like to take this opportunity to give a warm Melvyn's Realm welcome to our newest follower, Alan. I hope Alan has a thoroughly wonderful time perusing through my posts.

As mentioned previously, Alan is one of my delightful SCUBA diving friends. For those of you who are unfamiliar with SCUBA diving, I will give you a brief introduction as it is one of my dreams to swim with dolphins (I have an embroidered dolphin called Nathaniel delicately stitched into my swimming trunks very kindly done-so by my Mother) and other such sea-life.

SCUBA aka (also known as) Self-contained breathing apparatus diving allows divers to breathe underwater and to become familar with the sub-aqua world. SCUBA originated during World War II for underwater warfare. From my extensive research, I understand that some of the equipment required include

  • "Stab jacket" which is the armband for the body i.e. it is required for buoyancy
  • "Demand Valve" which supplies oxygen to the body from a cylinder
  • "Cylinder" which contains oxygen
  • "Mask" which is equivalent to swimming goggles
  • "Diving flippers" to manouvre through the water
  • "Wetsuit" underwater attire which is sometimes made of "neoprene" aka (also known as) polychloroprene. For the scientifically minded it is a family of synthetic rubbers that are produced by polymerisation of chloroprene.
Please Alan, feel free to correct me if any information is incorrect.

Welcome, Alan, from the Melvyn's Realm community and myself.

As I keep stressing, please subscribe, comment and interact with Alan and myself.

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

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