Thursday 29 December 2011

The King's Speech

Evening bloggers!

I have had a wonderful afternoon watching one of my new DVDs aka (also known as) Digital Versitile Discs aka (also known as) Digital Video Discs. The King's Speech was kindly purchased for me by my Aunt Helen for Christmas. As I have mentioned before, I am very passionate about history and also the Royal family. Therefore, this DVD aka (also known as) Digital Versitile Disc aka (also known as) Digital Video Disc did not disappoint.

The King's Speech is a true story showing the struggles King George VI faced with a speech impediment aka (also known as) a stammer. However, he is helped by an Australian speech therapist known as Lionel Logue to make a very important radio announcement in 1939 regarding the start of World War II aka (also known as) the war between Britain and the Nazi's.

I, myself, have suffered with such an impediment in the past. However unlike King George VI, I did not require the service of Lionel Logue to overcome it. I have found that singing can be a remarkable help. I love singing.

The King's Speech is a truly capital film. I rate it 4.9 Melvyn stars out of 5 ★★★★.9. Only The Terminator (1984) ever been awarded 5 Melvyn stars out of 5. You simply cannot beat perfection I'll have you know.

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

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