Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Seasons Greetings bloggers!

As you may be aware, today is the birth-date of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, God in Heaven. I have had the most glorious of Christmases. The day began at 06:30 am when I arose to find many presents snuggled under our festive Christmas pine tree. Thankfully, the pines are still attached to the tree as they have yet to fall off onto the floor. However, I was unable to open my gifts until I had eaten all of my festive breakfast. As the old O'Shea family saying goes "open one after breakfast, open many after after Church".
My mother, my Aunt Helen, my cousin Dorothy and myself sat down and indulged in smoked salmon en crouté aka (also known as) smoked salmon in pastry. Once this was eaten I opened my 2012 Official Sir Cliff Richard OBE aka (also known as) Harry Roger Webb (born 14th October 1940) calendar which was kindly purchased by my mother. I was delighted with this gift as I am Sir Cliff Richard OBE aka (also known as) Harry Roger Webb (born 14th October 1940) biggest fan. We had a beautiful service where I was able to remember my late father Melvyn P. O'Shea Senior (Snr for short) RIP (rest in peace). There were readings and carols galore! After this, my remaining gifts were unveiled. I do not have enough time to list every gift right now. However, they will be revealed in future blog posts. Needless to say, I am very very happy. I am indeed a lucky boy.
Christmas dinner was an absolute delight. I could not move from my custom battery operated vehicle, Stalin the black stallion. My mother and Aunt Helen cooked a wonderful feast. The main attraction was an impressive feat known as a "Three Bird Roast" aka (also known as) a bird inside a bird inside a bird. I like birds, if you know what I mean so I was very pleased to say the least. After a deliciously decadent main meal, out came a flaming pudding (excuse my language as it was literally a-flame). I was unfortunate and did not find the tuppence hidden within the deep depths of fruit.

I hope all you bloggers had a wonderful Christmas. I hope the big bearded fellow brought you many gifts. However, please take time to remember the real Christmas meaning, the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Tiny Tim Cratchet one spoke in the remarkable Charles Dickens Novel (A Christmas Carol), "God Bless us, every one".

Please feel free to follow the YouTube hyperlink below for a Christmas listening treat:

Click Here

Kindest regards,
Melvyn P. O'Shea

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